Sunday, August 22, 2010

High School Friendship

Ok this poem I am writing as I put it on here, so...

Friends share a special kind of bond
you have a spot that fills when you
grab each others hand because
you don't want to get
separated in the school hallway
you laugh at something that is
really not that funny but that is funny
when you friends at your sides.
Friends stand with you even
when you are wrong and they
don't care what others think when
scream, "I love you!" down the
hallway at school.
Friends are one of the most
important things to have in high school.

--Ok well this one is pretty self explanatory so I don't feel like I should describe this poem.

Saturday, August 21, 2010


Sorry I haven't posted in awhile but I got wrapped up in school stuff and just didn't take time to post but oh well here are two poems that I wrote during free time in creative writing class.

Everyone says that honesty
is the best policy, but the
truth is that it is not
always what you should say.
at times we are meant to
hold our tongues or tell
a lie, we do this for
protection for ourselves
and for others.
Some do not like this
but others accept it.
In some cases it is good
to be honest whereas
other times it is better
to sit and hold in the truth.

....and here's the second poem.

What is magic?
Does it truly exist
in our world of
crime and war?
I believe that in
some ways
magic does exist.
It is tucked away
in the minds of
award-winning writers,
inside the very aspect
of childhood and what it means.
Magic surrounds the ones
who do not lose faith
that believe in what they have.
It inspires the greatest songs
and gives hope in times
of desperation.
Magic is not always
fairytales or or happy endings
it is the belief that
things outside of our reach
can become reality,
it is traveling to a
distant land in our minds,
finding wonder in the
things we do not truly
understand but that
we believe can happen.
Magic is a child playing
and making it up as they go.
It is around us even
when we choose not to see it.
Some may say magic does not
exist but they have
most likely fallen into
the trap that magic creates
for all of us in our lives.
I do not care what
others think of my belief,
it is what I hold to be true,
like a child believes that
anything and everything
is true magic.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

First Post!!

WOHO! This is the first post. After the poem I will put a description about the poem.

My Superhero

I am in need of a superhero
not because I am trapped
but because I need someone
to come and make me forget
about the world around me
I want to forget everything for a little while.
Will you be my superman, my hero,
will you come and take me away
to somewhere where I'll forget
everything that's on my mind,
maybe you may cause me
to unable to speak for a moment.
After my superhero makes me forget
then I will forget the parts of my past
that I do not wish to remember.
Tell me will you be my superhero
will you be able to make me forget.

Description: this poem is about having those things in your past that you want to forget and waiting for that one person who can do that for you.